If you want to be notified of upcoming ESVA Executive Committee (EC) meetings and/or Board of Directors (BOD) meetings, contact the ESVA Secretary to be put on the meeting’s email list.
The Winter ESVA Meetings will be done via Zoom. The Executive Committee Meeting will be on January 23rd starting at 7 pm and the Board of Directors Meeting will be on January 25th starting at 7 pm. Contact the ESVA President or ESVA Secretary during January if you wish to attend the zoom meetings.
The Spring ESVA Annual Meetings will be in-person meetings during the Capitol Volkssport Club’s Wild and Woodsy Event at the Washington Assoc. of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs conference room at 3060 Willamette Drive in Lacey, WA. 98516. The meetings are on April 27th, 2024. The Executive Committee Meeting starts at 1 pm and the Board of Directors Meeting starts at 3 pm.