Washington YRE/Seasonal directions review form EVERGREEN STATE VOLKSSPORT ASSOCIATION Washington YRE/Seasonal directions review form Please note: All fields marked with * are required. Event Name:* Stamp YR #: (Number only.) *Sponsoring Club:*Select valueESVACapitol Volkssport ClubCentral Washington Sun StridersDaffodil Valley Volkssport AssociationEmerald City WanderersEvergreen WanderersFour-Plus Foolhardy FolksFS Family WanderersInterlaken Trailblazers Volkssport ClubLilac City Volkssport AssociationNW Tulip TrekkersOlympic Peninsula ExplorersOver-The-Hill-Gang Volkssport ClubSea-Tac Volkssport ClubSound Steppers Volkssport ClubVancouver USAVolkssport USA VolkssporterAVA PresidentLength of Route:*10/11/12 KM5/6 KMotherRoute Distance: Volunteer reviewer contact informationVolunteer Name:* WALK DIRECTIONS SOURCE: PSBOSBE-mail:*Phone Number:* Area Code - Phone Number Date of Review:*01020304050607080910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 / JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember / 2026202520242023202220212020daymonthyearDirections to start LocationSource:*Select valueNW PathfinderAVA Sanction InformationClub WebsiteMeetup InformationGPS - PhoneOtherEvaluation:*ExcellentVery GoodGoodFairClarification Needed: Other Comments:Heading information on walk directionsClub name listed:*Yes NoName for Event:*YesNoEvent Stamp # :*YesNoDistance:*YesNoTrail Ratings:*YesNoCopyright:*YesNoPOC Name and Phone #:*YesNoEmergency Phone # / Info:*YesNoRegistration Statement:*YesNo(This map and directions may only be used in conjunction with a signed American Volkssport Association athletic waiver. All other uses are prohibited) Body of the directionsTwo Column Format:*YesNoTurn Directions are capitalized: *YesNoTurn Directions are bolded:*YesNoConcise – Fits on one sheet of paper:*YesNoEach Direction Step is progressively Numbered:*YesNoRecognition of Start Point Host included (Optional):YesNoThanks to participants included (Optional): YesNoPoints of Interest described in Directions:YesNoMinimalLandmarks used only when necessary:YesNoN/AStreet name changes are noted: YesNoN/AAdequacy of Size:ExcellentVery GoodGoodFairPoorTurn Directions are accurate: IE: Indicate correct full turns, slant turns, etc.YesNoComment on turn directions:Each step is concise & describes a single directive:YesMostNeeds WorkComment on step description:Map standardsWas a map provided for this event?*YesNoPlease note: If you answered 'No' to this question, please move directly to the Optional points of interest sheet below.Source of Map: SoftwareStreet or Trail MapHand DrawnMap lines and words (street names, etc) are dark enough and clear enough to read and understand:YesNoStart/Finish Clearly Shown: YesNoArrows Clearly Show Route Direction: YesNoIndicates Restrooms, Drinking Water and Challenges along Route (Optional):YesNoDirection of North shown:YesNoScale of map:AccurateGoodNeeds WorkSufficient Streets Named:ExcellentVery GoodGoodFairPoorAdequacy of size:ExcellentVery GoodGoodFairPoorOptional points of interest sheetAre Points of Interest described on separate sheet?*YesNoComment on points of interest description:Additional comments to point out positive elements and/or those needing work:SubmitReset